Flair Airlines offers low-cost round-trip flights from Fort Lauderdale to Toronto for $97.24

Flair Airlines offers low-cost round-trip flights from Fort Lauderdale to Toronto for $97.24

THIS IS NOT A PAID PROMOTIO, just intention to help travelers come here and have a good time for less money.

The $97.24 round-trip airfare from Fort Lauderdale to Toronto offered by Flair Airlines is a deal not to be passed up. As you travel between these two bustling cities, you'll discover the convenience, affordability, and value that Flair Airlines is known for. Whether you're travelling for pleasure or for business, this low-cost alternative opens the door to a great experience, making it easier than ever to connect with new places and build treasured memories along the journey.

I found on Dec 6 - Dec 11 also good deal under 100$. Here is the link so you can find for yourself.
